Chinese Language Courses
The goals and outcomes of the Chinese language course in the Confucius Classroom of BUT are defined in relation to the HSK standardized test of Chinese language proficiency and the YCT in the case of children’s groups. The course is designed for beginners and those continuing their studies. The offer is addressed to everyone interested in learning the language and getting to know Chinese culture – both from the Bialystok University of Technology and individuals not affiliated with our University.
We also invite people from outside Bialystok to join online groups!
General information
Classes of the groups in the winter semester will be held in the system of meetings 1x or 2x a week (52 or 104 academic hours) in the following modes:
- on-site in Polish-Chinese Cooperation Centre’s rooms decorated in Chinese style – 14 Zwierzyniecka Street, ground floor (Dormitory No. 1 ‘ALFA’)
- remotely on the MS Teams platform (each student will receive access to the platform).
Lessons are held in English by teachers from China, delegated by the Chinese International Education Foundation and Beijing University of Technology.
The material covered in classes is based on the HSK Standard Course and YCT Standard Course (children’s groups) textbooks, as well as additional materials prepared by the teachers.
Price list of courses offered by the Polish-Chinese Cooperation Centre of BUT:
- students of BUT, employees of BUT and members of their immediate family* – 5 zł/academic hour
- non-BP individuals – 15 zł/academic hour
- Academic Secondary School of BUT students – exempt from fees
*Family members of a BUT employee entitled to a discount are: spouse, children and students up to 25 years of age.
The course fee is paid by the participant in 2 instalments (2x 50%) paid in advance:
- first instalment by 31-10-2024,
- the second instalment by 28-02-2025.
Fees should be paid to bank account number:
30 1240 1154 1111 0000 2148 7604
Title of transfer: first name, surname of Participant – Kurs j.chińskiego – 8 edycja.
Courses in the winter semester of the 2024/25 academic year
Beginner groups:
In the 2024/25 academic year, 4 groups for beginners are to be formed:
- HSK level 1.0 – intensive course, classes 2x a week (104 hours), on-site (Mon./Wed).
- HSK level 1.0 – intensive course, classes 2x a week (104 hours), online (Tues./Fri.)
The aim of this course is to master all or most of the material required for HSK Level 1.
- HSK level 1.0 – classes 1 x week (52 hours), on-site (Wednesdays)
- HSK Level 1.0 – classes 1 x week (52 hours), online (Fridays)
The aim of this course is to master around half of the material required for HSK level 1.
Continuing groups:
- HSK level 1.1 SHENZHEN – classes 1 x week (52 hours), on-site (Fridays)
- HSK level 1.1 NINGBO – classes 1 x week (52 hours), online (Mondays)
Groups covering a further part of the material required for HSK level 1.
- HSK 2.0 CHONGQING level – classes 2x a week (104 hours), on-site (Tues. / Thurs.)
- HSK 2.0 CHONGQING level – classes 1 x week (52 hours), online (Fridays)
During the course, the material required for HSK level 1 will be completed and revised, after which the group will begin to study the material for HSK level 2.
- HSK level 2.1 SHANGHAI – classes 1 x week (52 hours), online (Fridays)
Group covering a further part of the material required for HSK level 2.
- TIANJIN level 3.0 – classes 2x a week (104 hours), on-site (Mon./Wed.)
- NANKIN level 3.0 – classes 2x a week (104 hours), online (Tues./Thu.)
During the course, the material required for HSK level 2 will be completed and revised, after which the group will begin to study the material for HSK level 3.
- level 4.0 XI’AN – classes 1x a week (52 hours), on-site (Fridays)
- level 4.0 BEIJING – classes 1x a week (52 hours), online (Tuesdays)
During the course, the material required for HSK level 3 will be completed and revised, after which the group will begin to study the material for HSK level 4.
- HSK level 5.0 CHENGDU – classes 2x a week (104 hours), online (Mon./Wed.)
During the course, the material required for HSK level 4 will be completed and revised, after which the group will begin to study the material for HSK level 5.
Children’s groups:
The classes are designed for children of about 8-12 years of age. As the classes are conducted in English, the child should have a basic knowledge of the language.
Beginner group:
- YCT level 1.0 PANDY – classes 1x a week (26 hours), on-site classes (Saturdays)
A group for children who are beginning their adventure with learning Chinese. Approximately half or most of the material required for YCT level 1 will be covered during the course.
Continuing group:
- YCT level 2.0 SMOKI – classes 1x a week (26 hours), on-site classes (Saturdays)
A group for children who have already started learning Chinese. Approximately half or most of the material required for YCT level 2 will be covered during the course.
Each group’s level of material is approximated. The pace of studying is adapted individually to the needs of the group.
The timetable of classes scheduled for the upcoming semester:
All groups in the winter semester will start classes starting the 14th of October 2024.
Detailed schedule of classes:
SCHEDULE (winter semester) (PDF, 182 KB, will open on a new tab)
Formation of groups depends on the number of applications, so the final schedule may possibily change.
Registration is open until the 10th of October 2024!
Applications are processed through the IRK system:
(Note: for underage students registering, please create an account in the IRK system using the personal details of the person who will be attending the classes – the system will automatically complete the application form with the student’s details).