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Visit to the Kindergarten No. 14 in Białystok


On April 15th, the Confucius Classroom at BUT had the pleasure of visiting Kindergarten No. 14 in Białystok. The purpose of the visit was to encourage the youngest residents of our city to learn more about the Chinese language and culture. 

The kindergarten pupils took part in short workshop on Chinese calligraphy led by two of our teachers – Chunyu Liu and Weiwei Zheng. The children’s task was to replicate a Chinese character representing ‘spring’. With the help of the teachers and Katarzyna Anna Kuźmicz, PhD, the head of the Confucius Classroom at BUT, the preschoolers tackled the challenge without any problems. The second part of the visit was a musical activity. The children were introduced to the lyrics of a song in Chinese, and then combined singing with simple dance moves that matched the story of the song. 

The meeting was finished by learning two basic Chinese phrases – 你好 (nǐhǎo) and 再见 (zàijiàn) – meaning ‘hello’ and ‘see you’ respectively.