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Second session of HSK and HSKK exams at BUT


The Confucius Classroom at Bialystok University of Technology had the pleasure of organising another successful exam session. This time the exams were held at the higher levels HSK3, HSK4 and HSK5 as well as HSKK2 and HSKK3. Despite the advanced levels, we were happy to see a high turnout. 23 people took the HSK exams and 15 took the HSKK exams.

As the Confucius Classroom at BUT, we were honoured to welcome participants not only from different regions of Poland, but also from abroad. Amongst others, our session was attended by people from Poznan, Lublin and Krakow, as well as several guests from Ukraine and Belarus.

We sincerely thank all the examinees for testing their Chinese proficiency with us, and we would like to encourage anyone interested in taking the HSK and HSKK examinations in the future to visit the Language Proficiency Test (HSK) page for up-to-date information on the future exam session.