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The first on-line Chinese cultural event, 3rd December 2020


Confucius Classroom at Bialystok University of Technology invites you to the first on-line Chinese cultural event.


The program of the first meeting – “Culture, traditions, interesting people”:
1. 茶道 – traditional tea ceremony;
2. 中国人的婚礼习俗 – the custom of wedding in China;
3. 筷子文化 – chopsticks culture;
4. A Chinese who will talk about his challenge of learning Polish language.
The program will be presented by:
Meng Wang – teacher of Confucius Classroom at BUT
Weiwei Lu – teacher of Confucius Classroom at BUT
Henry – teacher of Confucius Institute in Opole
Szymon Du – Chinese student of Polish studies
The meeting will be held on December 3, 2020 at 5:45 pm. on Ms Teams.
Registration for the event is required!
To sign up, send an e-mail to the following address: chinski@pb.edu.pl. A link to the meeting on Ms Teams (with no need to log in) will be sent the day before by e-mail. Please provide a valid e-mail address during registration.
Registration until 1/12/2020.