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Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng
Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Head of Department of Building Structures
For 25 years has been an employee of the Białystok University of Technology, Poland. Former Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, coordinator of educational projects within the Human Capital Operational Programme (increasing the potential of university as a factor in the development of knowledge-based economy) and participant of different projects within Erasmus+ KA 2. Her scientific achievements include ca. 200 publications. Her research interests focus on innovative, durable and energy efficient solutions in civil engineering and also on issues related to education process in HEI. She initiated the signing or extension of many bilateral agreements within the Erasmus+ programme. She contributed to the preparation of double degree agreements. Fellow of the Programme Golden Autumn International Academic Forum: 2017 Polish Scholars Delegation Exchange Programme, Chongqing Jiaotong University (China), visiting professor in Tianjing Chengjiang University (China). She is a member of Accreditation Commission of Technical Universities, an expert of Polish Accreditation Commission. In 2018 she was elected a member of the Administrative Council of European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).
Prof. Iwona Skoczko, DSc, PhD, Eng
Graduated from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Białystok University of Technology (BUT) currently holds the position of Vice-Rector for Education at BUT. Her scientific achievements include over 200 papers (manuscripts in journals, monographs and chapters in monographs and popular-scientific studies). Her research interests focus on water technology and water purification, especially filtration. Prof. Skoczko's activities are primarily of a practical nature, which results in many patent applications and implementations in real water treatment plants. She works as an expert for public administration units, municipal and industrial companies in the water and wastewater management sector. She is actively involved in The Polish Academy of Science and Polish State Water Management Board. She provides support to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Water Management and Inland Navigation, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the National Intelligent Specializations. She is actively involved in the Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians. She is a member of the National Water Management Council for the 2020-2023 term.
Amir A. Shafie, PhD, BEM, IEEE, IEM-Grad
Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Director of the Office of International Affairs at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) after serving the industry as Industrial Researchers in promoting the area of intelligent systems. Dr Amir has been a principal researcher for various research grants over the last 22 years mainly in autonomous mechatronic system which aims to develop intelligent robotic systems for the industry and other related applications. He has published a number of articles in books, referred journals and various international conferences, many of which have been often cited.
Nurdin Kaparov, PhD
Vice Dean at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Ala-Too International University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Served for two and half years as a Director of International Relations Office. Mainly conducts ICT related courses for faculty's students. One of the areas of research interest is "economic benefits of online courses".
Prof. Nguyen Duy Anh
Promoted as a Deputy Head of the Academic Affairs Office of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam from October 15th 2018, he is in charge of Academic Programs. Assoc. Prof. NGUYEN Duy Anh involves in and makes his contribution to the development of Course’s Operation & Academic Accreditation. He helps with planning strategic goals set for these programmes and commits himself to reviewing international cooperation, road maps and also seeks new training & learning methods. In the face of COVID19 pandemic the last months, he showed his versatility by providing online education at HCMUT with dynamic and flexible mindsets which proved very successful against this challenge in emergency.
Srdjan Lale, PhD, Assistant professor
Assistant professor at the University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He is a Vice Dean of Education and Head of the Department of Electronics and Electronic Systems. Srdjan has 10 years of experience in teaching process at the Faculty, through academic positions from a teaching assistant to the Assistant Professor. He has published over thirty scientific papers in international and national journals and conferences. He has participated in several international and national scientific projects.
Dr. Makhabat Karagulova
Head of Center of International Relations of KSUCTA n.a. N. Isanov, Kyrgyzstan since September 2019. She completed a DAAD fellowship at the University of Zwickau (Germany) in 2012. She is an Alumni of Erasmus Mundus Target II at the Johann Kepler University Linz, Austria in 2013. Also she is an Alumni of ITEC, Indian Technical Economic Cooperation New Delhi, India in 2016. Since September 2012, Dr. Makhabat Karagulova has been an Assistant Professor at the Kyrgyz-German Institute of Applied Informatics with a focus on teaching and research in the field of Co- and Team teaching and mobile learning.
Dr. Daniel Romero
Mobility Programs Director of Universidad Veracruzana (UV) in Mexico. His areas of expertise are international relations and economic integration with a focus on internationalization of higher education. Daniel Romero participates in international higher education conferences delivering presentations and lectures on mobility and internationalization of higher education and education trends. He holds a PhD on International Relations from Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona.
Luz Aurora García Mathey
Graduated from Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico - BSc in International Business Management and from the University of Bristol, UK, in MSc - International Development. She worked in the International Affairs Office of Universidad Veracruzana, where she was primarily responsible for the incorporation of international students to that institution, and founded its International Summer School in 2018. She has taught in high school and lectured in higher education institutions in the areas of English for Speakers of Other Languages, Management, Entrepreneurship, Foreign Trade, Sustainable Development, Social Dynamics and Mathematics. Currently, she is the International Coordinator of TecNM campus Xalapa.
Ramón Segura
Holds a Masters Degree in Architecture from Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico, where he graduated with honours and a Masters Degree in Advanced Architectural Design from Universidad de Buenos Aires. He also holds a Postgraduate Degree in Sustainable Design from Universidad de Palermo in Argentina, and has completed a research stay at Universidad Mayor in Santiago de Chile. He has worked as a university lecturer in the areas of Architecture, Urban Planning and Research Methodology. He has also participated as coordinator in educational projects and has published in various specialized and refereed magazines and books from prestigious universities. Currently, he is the Academic Director of the TecNM campus Xalapa.
Elton Skendaj
Director of International Relations and Erasmus + office at University of Tirana, Albania. He graduated from University of Tirana in British and American studies. He has a wealth of experience working in international relations while the focus is on EU-financed projects. Elton Skendaj has demonstrated an outstanding and highly remarkable work performance characterized by a sound knowledge and experience in project coordination, intercultural competences, resilience, analytical and conceptual skills.
Lana Kalikina
Coordinator of International Cooperation at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russian Federation. Lana is specializes in cooperation with the Ibero-American region. SPbPU was the first Russian University to open its Information Center in Madrid. Lana is coordinating Center's activities on behalf of SPbPU. Before starting a career at the educational sphere she used to deal with has a background in worldwide economics and event management. On the current position Lana coordinates comprehensive international projects such as joint Students Project Marathon.
Zhadyra Bainazar
Chief Manager of International Cooperation office at Satbayev University (Kazakhstan, Almaty) since 2018. She studied at a first leading university of Kazakhstan - al-Farabi Kazakh National University majoring in International Relations.
She coordinates academic mobility, visiting professors, Erasmus+ ICM; CBHE and many other international programmes. She advanced her professional skills at American Council Education in the USA, University of Beira Interior, Bialystok University of Technology, Russian State University of Humanities.
Associate Professor Li Wang
Entered into service in 2003 at Liaoning Normal University and studied at Toyama University Japan from 2005 in the major of English Education. In 2008, she begins to work at Tianjin Chengjian University (TCU). Now she is the vice director of International Cooperation Office (Hongkong、Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office) and the Associate Professor of School of Foreign Language. Proficient in both English and Japanese.
Dr. Sc., prof. Nataliya Hots
Head of Center for International Education at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine. Professor of Department of Information and Measurement Technology, Institute of Computer Technology, Automation and Metrology, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Current research interests: • Internationalization of higher education, • Quality engineering, • Metrology technical control methods, • Infrared thermography and thermometry.
Participation in professional organization: Vice-president of "Alliance Française" in Lviv, Member of Academy of Metrology of Ukraine, Member of International metrological organization (IMECO).
Assoc. Prof. Maria Anityasari, Ph.D
Obtained her master and doctoral degree from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Australia in the area of sustainable manufacturing. She is the head of Center for Sustainability (CfS) in the Department of Industrial Engineering (IE) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Indonesia
and involves as the main researcher in many sustainability researches funded by government institutions, NGOs, and international agencies. Her research interests include Sustainable Manufacturing (SM), Life Cycle Management (LCM), socio engineering, system modelling, performance measurement, and risk management.
Since 2012 she has become the director of Directorate of International Partnership in which she initiated many collaborations and breakthrough programs between ITS and overseas partners such as connecting classroom, Community and Technological (CommTECH) Camp, Engineers in Action, short program utilizing project-based-learning and community engagement, lab and community-based-internship and non-academic staff mobility program.
Hemlal Bhattarai
Currently working as a Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages at the Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Bhutan. Prior to working as a Dean, he has served as a Head of Electrical Engineering Faculty. He was also Project Manager of “Promoting Energy Efficient Lighting in Nepal and Bhutan (ELNAB)” which completed in Jan-2019 and also the Project Advisory Committee of ongoing project on “Enhancing Problem Based Learning for South Asian Universities” both of which is funded by Erasmus Project of European Union.
Hemlal’s research area of interests includes power engineering and energy system with major focuses on Renewable Energy. He has been associated with many international conferences/publications including IEEE as program committee, a keynote speaker and a reviewer. He is currently the focal for Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Energy from Bhutan for ICIMOD.
Daria Mokhova
Daria Mokhova is a Coordinator of International Cooperation at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russian Federation. She deals with cooperation issues in various fields with partners around the world. Since Daria has participated in a lot of trainings and professional development programs in Germany, she is in particular responsible for collaboration with partners in Germany. One of her tasks is organization of educational and scientific events such as big international conferences, forums, workshops, young scientist competitions etc. Due to her background in economy and law Daria is working with economic and legal issues which are interconnected with international activities and coordination of different international projects.
Associate Professor Svitlana Sivitska, PhD
Vice-Rector for Scientific and International Work National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, Laureate of the President’s of Ukraine Award for Young Scientists.
The author of more than 60 scientific publications. Initiated the signing or extension of many bilateral agreements with international partners, as development and preparation of double degree programs. Visiting professor in Białystok University of Technology, Poland. Coordinator of international projects: Ukraine Higher Education Leadership Development Program; Raising Profile of Colleges Through the Quality of Education Improvement; The challenges of energy efficiency: cooperation of Ukraine with the EU.
Member of the Regional Commission of the State Fund for Regional Development, Council of the Ministry of Education and Science on examination of scientific projects of young scientists.