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Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture

st. Maldybaeva 34 b,
720020, Bishkek,
Kyrgyz Republic


Center of International Relations
Makhabat Karagulova
Head of Center of International Relations
makhabatkaragulova [at] gmail.com  
ksucta [at] gmail.com

Kyrgyz State University of Construction Transport and Architecture n. a. N. Isanov (KSUCTA) proudly bears the banner of the glorious history of professional technical education: from 1954 as a famous Frunze Polytechnic Institute, from 1992 as Kyrgyz Architecture and Construction Institute, and since 1998 as KSUCTA. KSUCTA is a leader in preparing engineers, managers and architects for many sectors of the country economy.

Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanov (KSUCTA) celebrated its 60th anniversary of the beginning of training of engineers and architects for the construction industry of the country in 2014. University proudly bears the banner of the glorious history of professional technical education: from 1954 as a famous Frunze Polytechnic Institute, from 1992 as Kyrgyz Architecture and Construction Institute, and since 1998 as KSUCTA. Recent years, we achieved rapid growth and bright success: KSUCTA won high national and international recognition. It provides training on more than 60 profiles and 38 areas; more than 12 thousand students, undergraduates, graduate students and PhD-students study at the university; there are six major institutes, 45 departments, 42 multimedia classrooms, 1,800 computers in it; specialized lecture halls on teleteaching (from-to Germany and with another countries); more than 70 branches of university departments, 350 agreements on educational process with state and private companies and licenses for the assignment of students in 22 additional working professions; European Centre for Transfer of Technology, Kyrgyz-Chinese educational center and Marketing center for career development.

More than 57 persons from the managerial staff of the university passed trainings on implementation of international standards of quality management system ISO 9001. The university introduced an innovative system of certified courses on online teacher training, conducted by the leading companies of Sweden, Germany and others.

KSUCTA – initiative and reliable partner in the international cooperation affairs. For example, it is one of the organizers of the VI-Congress of engineers, architects and urban planners of the Turkic world, IV-festival of design and architectural schools of Eurasia (Bishkek, Cholpon-Ata, September 8-9, 2014), V-festival with the same name, held in Florence in Italy, December 8-9, 2015. KSUCTA has long-term agreements on cooperation with universities and research centers of Russian Federation, the United States of America, Germany, Great Britain, France, Austria, Sweden, the Netherlands, Estonia, Thailand, Jordan, Turkey, India, China, South Korea and others.

Promotional materials


KSUCTA is the executor 11 TEMPUS and 4 Erasmus Mundus European projects Commission, 5 projects of DAAD program of Germany, 3 projects of the Government of Austria, 2 projects of India and others.KSUCTA is the national coordinator of the Universities ‘network of the SCO member states, in which annually 15-20 master students of KSUCTA sent to the leading universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and other universities. According to the European system of academic mobility, each year 10-15students continue their study in Germany. 46 teachers trained monthly, three-monthly and annual courses are held in our country with the support of Indian Government. Graduates of KSUCTA received Kyrgyz Austrian diplomas according to the implementation of joint master’s program in geoformation on distant form of training.

KSUCTA implements three levels of education of the Bologna education system on training of bachelors, masters and PhD (doctors of philosophy) and continues the traditional training of specialists and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest category. It has a dissertation councils for doctoral and master’s theses on 12 scientific fields.

KSUCTA’s staff is proud of its leader graduates, which achieved the highest professional level and serve on the top-state services, they are: deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, members of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the heads of large construction companies. More than 25 graduates defended their doctoral and 90 candidate dissertations, many of them created scientific schools on construction materials and structures, seismic-resistant construction and transport, as well as architecture and urban planning.

Scientific journal “Vestnik of KSUCTA” won the high scientific and methodical authority in CIS countries and it is registered in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) in Moscow.
KSUCTA is a member of the Kyrgyz-Russian consortium of technical universities, under support of the federal budget each year Russia trained about 15-20 students, undergraduates at different faculties of the Moscow State Construction University, Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University (MADI), Baltic State Technical University named after D.F. Ustinov and St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

Practical training of students are provided not only in the numerous construction sites of our country, but also abroad: Only Central Asian student group, consisting of KSUCTA’s students worked in the construction of the Olympic games in Sochi, Russia during two years; annually about 15-20 students go to the unique construction projects of bridges and tunnels in Istanbul, Turkey with the financial support of the International Association of Engineers and Architects of the Turkic world to gain experience.

The Kyrgyz-German Faculty of Applied Informatics, Kyrgyz-Austrian Centerf or GIS, Indo-Kyrgyz Center and the Kyrgyz-Swedish Center of Industrial Ecology are successfully functioning at KSUCTA. The total amount involved educational investments for last three years is more than 12 million euro.

Government of India selected KSUCTA for the award of two educational grants in amount of 1mln. US dollars for the purpose of development and modernization of the Kyrgyz-Indian Center of Information Technologies.
The international program on «Computer Science» passed the European accreditation through the world-famous international agency ASIIN, Germany for the first time in Kyrgyzstan in 2013 and this agency recognized the high quality of undergraduate students’ training quality on computer science for the third time in 2015 and the accreditation extended to 2018. The team of KSUCTA welcomed the assignment of the university another international accreditation certificate of the EURO-ACE European network of accreditation of engineering education programs ENAE on direction “Construction” to 2020. Longstanding success of the university, KSUCTA evaluated on the national level and in 2015 KSUCTA was awarded with the “Quality” award of Kyrgyz Republic, by the quality evaluation system of higher education “Eurorating 2014” of the European Commission KSUCTA reached the level of “B ++” and now it is among the top 200 universities and among universities of Kyrgyzstan is in the second place.

KSUCTA is a member of the European Charter of Universities, the International Association for the construction of universities of the CIS and Baltic countries, the International Association of architectural schools and the Eurasian-Pacific Network of universities «UniNet». In May 2015 in Xi’an People’s Republic of China, signed by the rector of the University KSUCTA entered into a new alliance, created in the framework of the initiative President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping “One belt – one way.”