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Local Organising Committee

Chairwoman of the OC
Barbara Sadowska-Buraczewska

Vice-chairwoman of the OC for Scientific Affairs
Edyta Pawluczuk

Vice-chairwoman of the OC for organizational matters
Katarzyna Kalinowska-Wichrowska

Vice-chairwoman of the OC for Contact with Companies
Nina Szklennik

Krzysztof Czech Department of Building Structures and Structural Mechanics
Michał Dzun Department of Building Structures and Structural Mechanics
Robert Grygo Department of Building Structures and Structural Mechanics
Marcin Gryniewicz Department of Building Structures and Structural Mechanics
Agnieszka Jabłońska-Krysiewicz Department of Building Structures and Structural Mechanics
Jan Klimasara Department of Building Structures and Structural Mechanics
Julita Krassowska Department of Building Structures and Structural Mechanics
Dorota Maleszewska Department of Building Structures and Structural Mechanics
Ewa Ołdakowska Department of Geotechnics, Roads and Geodesy
Marcin Orłowski Department of Construction and Landscaping
Beata Sadowska Department of Sustainable Construction and Building Systems
Natalia Stankiewicz Department of Construction and Landscaping

Promotion coordinator:
Agnieszka Sakowicz-Stasiulewicz Promotion Department

IT coordinator:
Tomasz Huścio Department of Industrial Process Automation

Dorota Maleszewska
amcm2025 [at] pb.edu.pl

Financial matters:
Agnieszka Szmidt